With boost active, it is possible to bounce bombs from as far as a little over 4km away, meaning attacks into dense AA are still possible as minimal time is spent in mid-range AA and close-range AA is practically skipped entirely. The distance of the bounces is roughly dependent on plane speed, and the bombs will not bounce if launched from too high of an altitude as a result of flying over islands (indicated by an orange line). They also come with an equally unique reticule that consists of three lines, each shorter than the last to represent the tighter spread on successive bounces. This unique armament type is like a hybrid combination of torpedo bombers and traditional dive bombers: they approach from a ship’s broadside for maximum effectiveness, but have a payload of HE bombs. While Immelmann’s torpedoes are quite effective, she truly shines in her skip bombers. Fortunately, these torpedo bombers also have very generous converging times for adjustments during the attack animations, though captains should still start attacks early to minimize the need to do this. While Immelmann’s torpedoes have slightly less alpha damage, she carries four planes rather than three in her attacking flight in a wider reticule, making their ideal target battleships or cruisers that cannot afford to maneuver much. Immelmann’s torpedo bombers share far more similarities with Graf Zeppelin than those of the German tech tree carriers with an identical 35 knot base speed and 5 second arming time.

Despite having incredibly weak plane HP comparable to Tier IX aircraft, skilled players will be able to utilize the torpedo bomber’s heal consumable and skip bombers’ long attack distance to remain a threat even when enemy teams group up for AA. Instead of a focus on high alpha-damage strikes, Immelmann’s toolkit trades ability to deal with destroyers for a damage-over-time farming playstyle consisting of floods applied by torpedo bombers and fires applied by skip bombers. Once the plugin is activated you will be directed to Settings→ Modules→ Plugins to configure the module.Despite sharing an almost identical hull with Manfred von Richthofen, Max Immelmann is anything but similar to her tech tree counterpart.In order to activate the plugin go to Settings→ Modules→ Plugins → Inactive, find and activate Client Geolocation plugin. The plugin is free and available to all HostBill users.The plugin will also list payment gateways available for the location and limit access to selected gateways. Based on that knowledge, the plugin will automatically select client’s currency and preferred language. The Client Geolocation plugin will enable you to get information about your client current location.